
lt2023 Glossary

Lamprelltimes 2023 edition, published December 2023

AED – Arab Emirates Dirham

AGM – Annual General Meeting

AI – Artificial Intelligence

AIM – Alternative Investment Market

APM – Alternative performance measure

BOP – Blowout Preventer

CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate

CASOC – California Arabian Standard Oil Company

CEO – Chief Executive Officer

CFO – Chief Financial Officer

COO – Chief Operating Officer

CRPO – Contract Release and Purchase Order

E&C – Engineering and Construction

E&I – Electrical and Instrumentation

EPC – Engineering Procurement and Construction

EPCI – Engineering Procurement Construction and Installation

ESG – Environmental Social Governance

EU – European Union

FPSO – Floating Production Storage and Offloading

GCC – Gulf Cooperation Council

GHG – Greenhouse Gas

GW – Gigawatt

HHI – Hyundai Heavy Industries

HR – Human Resources

HSES – Health Safety Environment and Security

HVAC – High Voltage Alternating Current

HVDC – High Voltage Direct Current

IA – Internal Audit

ICV – In Country Value

IEA – International Energy Agency

IKTVA – In Kingdom Total Value Add

IMI – Industrial Maritime Industries

IOC – International Oil Company

IPO – Initial Public Offering

ISO – International Organisation for Standardisation

IT – Information Technology

JV – Joint Venture

KSA – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

LATC – Lamprell’s Assessment and Training Centre

LKSA – Lamprell Saudi Arabia

LSE – London Stock Exchange

LTA – Long Term Agreement

MENA – Middle East North Africa

MIS – Maritime Industrial Industries

MRO – Maintenance Repair and Operations

MRO – Material Requisition Order

MT – Metric Tonne

NDT – Non-Destructive Testing

NED – Non-Executive Director

NGO – Non-governmental organisation

NOC – National Oil Company

OGCI – Oil and Gas Climate Initiative

O&M – Operations & Maintenance

PLEM – Pipeline End Manifold

PP&E – Property, Plant and Equipment

PR – Public Relations

SCM – Supply Chain Management

SDS – Sustainable Development Scenario

SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound

SNOC – Sharjah National Oil Corporation

TCFD – Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

TEIR – Total Environmental Incident Rate

TP – Transition Piece

TRIR – Total Recordable Incident Rate

UAE – United Arab Emirates

UK – United Kingdom

UN SDG – United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

USD – United States Dollar

VP – Vice President

WHO – Word Health Organisation